PICEU Foundation proudly announces introduction of basic TEE simulator based workshop for one day.

In today’s world anaesthetist, ICU physicians working in cardiac care area need to use transoesophgeal echo when  transthoracic  approach has various limitations.

This is ideal one day workshop  for those who wish to further their knowledge in basic echocardiography with transoesophageal approach. We have the state of the art dual simulator from Heartworks – UK which can be  booked as per your convenience and the training can be achieved.  


Ultrasonography has become important  diagnostic  tool in day to day practice and this simulator based training approach is ideal for working physician who is busy in his practice otherwise.  Especially for transoesophageal echocardiography where in hands on training is essential this is one of the best way of learning. 

Target Personnel :    1.Physicians working in acute/emergency care   2.Surgeons and Anaesthetist working in cardiac ICU, Operating rooms, Organ Transplant setups. 3.Echocardiographers who wish to further their knowledge. 

Program :  Lectures on basic cardiac ultrasonography and correlation with pathology and clinical situation, alternate with hands on training on simulator. General  duration of workshop 6 hours.  Limited to 2-4 people at time so as to ensure good exposure to simulator based training. 
